Thursday, June 15, 2023

Alabama shark sightings grow as Fairhope Beach sees infestation of Street Sharks.


Alabama and the Florida panhandle have had a showering of shark sightings this year, causing growing concern for tourists who keep telling themselves they may get out of their lawn chair and go for a swim but really won't because that last Corona didn't rest well with the Bushwacker breakfast and anyway there's a perfectly good TV to get back to in the condo. 

Now the quaint town of Fairhope has problems of their own as residents recently spotted Street Sharks rollerblading by the heavy populated pier near downtown. Unlike the Hammerheads that have flooded the area around OBA, the Street Sharks are relatively harmless creatures that normally habituate around 1990's era cartoon channels, but due to the return of El Nino, have made their home in Fairhope waters. 

REDACTION: The fellow in the orange pants seems to be an Killer Whale and not, as stated, a Shark, although he would like to add that "Killer" is an adjective meaning "Cool", i.e. "Killer Jorts, dude!", and not "Killer" as in murderer, unless you mean seals and small fish, then yes, "Killer" is accurate for that context. 

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