Thursday, May 4, 2023

ALDOT begins shortening of Bankhead Tunnel by 50 feet to assist drivers attempting to hold their breath the whole way.

 ALDOT began renovations to the Bankhead Tunnel in Downtown Mobile today to shorten the westbound entrance by 50 feet. For years thousands have complained that traffic and other issues have interfered with drivers holding their breath for the entire length of the tunnel, thus rendering their "Wishes" unfulfilled. For those unfamiliar, anyone who can successfully pass through the tunnel while holding one's breath is granted one wish by Tallulah Bankhead. However, Growing traffic in the area and constant lane closures due to tunnel incidents have made getting wishes increasingly difficult over the years. Hopefully, the project shall be completed within weeks, and the city can finally counteract the one guy who keeps wishing for a hot summer and a plague of mosquitoes. 

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