Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Refuge Coffee opening new cafe for Senior Citizens only.


Owners of the ever growing Refuge Coffee Roasters is expanding their business model to include a cafe exclusively for elderly residents of Fairhope. No single origin beans from Guatemala or confusing Apple Pay here! Just two options of Community Coffee: Regular Black, or Decaf Black. Also, the only payment accepted will be check or loose change. 

If you know Refuge, you know they are perfectionists, and didn't take this mission lightly. They scoured every yard sale and Ebay listing until they could find the perfect Coffee maker for the job, and ended up sourcing a 1971 General Electric "Coffeemaker" that spent most of it's life in the lobby of a used car lot where it was never turned off for more than a minute. One sip of coffee brewed from this machine will bring up notes of "hospital cafeteria", "church potluck", and "waiting to get your oil changed" and invoke pure nostalgia for the good ol' days while you wonder if maybe some of the motor oil got into the pot. 

Refuge typically opens at the crack of 7am, but Refuge Seniors will expand that time frame and open 4am to accommodate the early birds, and will close it's doors daily at 8am. If customers would like any food, Refuge has also sourced a can of Vienna Sausage. If that get's sold you have an apple at home you can eat. 

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