Monday, June 20, 2022

City of Fairhope asking all residents to start bathing in Mobile Bay to conserve water as well as other measures.


The City of Fairhope announced this weekend major shortages to the water supply and other utilities after adding roughly 520,000 new homes in the first half of 2022. The City had originally asked residents to try and conserve water and electricity for the time being, or mandatory restriction will be enforced, but after no changes were made by residents, the city has set in place many new rules with strict fines for those found non-compliant. This week all city residents will be asked to bathe in Mobile Bay or Fish River. You must register your bathing time on the City of Fairhope Website in increments of 30 minutes to not overcrowd popular fishing spots. The City is also asking for you to start sleeping on your porch and to destroy your thermostat with a shotgun. For the Summer period, all Teslas and electric cars are to be set to "Flintstones Mode", where a trap door opens up in the bottom and you simply run the car with your feet. 

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