Tuesday, March 15, 2022

City Council not satisfied with new LED Crosswalk, adds full Pink Floyd themed Laser Light Show.


A year after the new LED custom crosswalk was installed on Section street in downtown Fairhope, the City Council has decided that the system has been ineffective at it's primary job of protecting crossing citizens at late night hours. At the latest unscheduled council meeting yesterday that took place at Fairhope Hemp, the city leaders outlined a bold new strategy to showcase a full Pink Floyd themed laser show set to the well known album Dark Side of the Moon. Once a citizen presses the button on the adjacent post, the laser show will activate, encasing the entire downtown in a full throttle light show, with the crosswalk as center stage. The crosswalk will also be equipped with professional audio equipment from Dr. Music to allow crossers to sing along to the chorus. The new system will help the late night crowd get across Section safely while giving the stuck motorist to partake in an amazing show. 

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