Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Fairhope Hemp acquires Huntsville Rocket to add to collection of weird things in parking lot.


After tense negotiations that lasted for most of the morning, Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle gave in to the demands of local CBD dispensary Fairhope Hemp, trading the famous rocket ship for 1 armored car, 2 vintage motorcycles, a guitar signed by Jerry Garcia, and a lifetime supply of CBD. The score of the rocket is a major win for Farihope Hemp who's business model, aside from selling cannabis products, is to confuse me enough as I drive by to the point where I have to stop and go in. Some speculate the owners are planning their own space adventure, competing with the likes of Musk and Bezos, and when all you have to do is consume enough of the supplied product and sit in the dormant rocket, it ought to be much cheaper too. 

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