Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Fairhope now classifying banking and retirement as Art to keep "Artist Colony" title intact.

The original founders of Fairhope created their newfound colony as a commune to house free thinkers, musicians, and artist alike. Cheap living and a helpful community allowed artists to create with freedom which made Fairhope into one of the most sought after area's in the South. Unfortunately, high rent and ever shrinking available property, and restrictions on busking has forced many starving artists out in the last few decades. Of course, the title of "Artist Colony" is the reason for our tourism and retirement numbers, so the City has come up with new legislation to keep that title true to it's name. From now on, banking and retirement will officially become our two greatest art forms in Fairhope. The Fairhope City Council stated in last weeks public meeting that Retirement is art, because "Your remaining years of life are a canvas, and your paint is what you choose to to do with it". Bankers have also been included into the art world as "Financial and Lending Artistry". In the wake of the new legislation, the local branch of Trustmark Bank will change to Trustmark Gallery of the Fine Arts. 

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McSharry's Pub to offer "Irish lunch" this weekend to compete with Redeemer Lutheran's German meals.

  For many years, Redeemer Lutheran Church  has offered German sausage meals during the Arts & Crafts Festival weekend to tourists and l...