Tuesday, July 27, 2021

College Hunks Hauling Junk business branches out with Tech School Chicks Laying Bricks and PHD's Trimming Trees.


Up and coming home moving business "College Hunks Hauling Junk" has done well this year with the booming housing market. So well, that they have decided to expand into many new territories in 2021, such as Bricklaying, Tree Services, and much more. College Hunks is now providing job opportunities for women as well with Tech School Chicks Laying Bricks, a new construction service in Mobile and Baldwin county. For those of a higher education, PHD's Trimming Trees let's the most learned trade their books for chainsaws to help deal with the remaining aftermath of Hurricane Sally. That's not all, later this year everyone will have a chance when High School Dropouts Get Their Mops Out, a commercial cleaning service. 

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McSharry's Pub to offer "Irish lunch" this weekend to compete with Redeemer Lutheran's German meals.

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