Wednesday, June 9, 2021

BREAKING: Investigation finds City spends millions changing flower clock by hand 24 times daily all year.


After rumors of needless city spending started spreading this week from this news source, an investigation was finally commenced, ending with a bone rattling discovery: the City of Fairhope is spending nearly a million dollars per year having a full work crew of 10 men change the hands of the "Flower Clock" 24 hours a day all year long. What's worse, the clock did have a second hand which needed to be constantly kept in motion at all times, causing the city to put a worker on staff to spin the hand all day in 12 hour shifts until they finally demoted the clock to just the hour and minute hands (having the worker constantly walking around the clock was said to be an eyesore). A special council meeting will take place to discuss thoughts to cut down on worker spending, perhaps setting the clock to a constant time, or turning the flower clock digital. 

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