Thursday, September 3, 2020

Fairhope man attaches Ring Doorbell to crab trap to track Jubilees.


      Life on Mobile Bay will never be the same after local fisherman Benjamin Moore had an ingenious idea one night while filleting and Amber Jack high off bath salts. Ben had an idea to detach the Ring brand doorbell off of his parents Fairhope cottage and unite the device to his trusty crab trap. The doorbell slash security camera once triggered by nearby motion notified Ben about interesting fish activity on Mobile Bay. A few nights later Moore received an alarm notification on his phone which had alerted him to a surprise Jubilee happening near Point Clear. After raking in a major haul of almost toxic shrimp and flounder he decided to market his idea for other local residents. For a small fee, Ben will rip off your Ring doorbell and attach it to a crab trap of your own. You can contact Ben via Fairhope PD anytime to get one of your own! 

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McSharry's Pub to offer "Irish lunch" this weekend to compete with Redeemer Lutheran's German meals.

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