Wednesday, February 19, 2020

With Panini Pete's closed for renovations, Pete Blohme is offering tourists Emotional Support Beignets.

Hospitals along the Gulf Coast have been filling up this week with patients suffering from what doctors call BWS, or Beignet Withdrawal Syndrome. Symptoms include drooling, foaming at the mouth, gravitational pull towards white powder, and scurvy. Many believe to heavy caseload in the hospitals are caused by the recent closing of Panini Pete's, which shut it's doors this week to begin new renovations to the restaurant.

To combat the disease, restaurateur Pete Blohme has stepped up to the plate (pun intended). Panini Pete himself with be spending the rest of the week mounted on his segway and tossing beignets to pedestrians Lambert's style. Panini Pete, the Pied Piper of piping hot powdered pastry puffs.

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