Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Budweiser cancels Clydesdale's Mardi Gras visit to Fairhope, plans to send Budweiser Frogs instead.

Last month Budweiser revealed plans to send the beloved Clydesdale horses to Fairhope to march in the Maids of Jubilee parade on February 21st. Sadly, Budweiser reneged the contract early this morning in an announcement via twitter. Bud spokesman stated that one of the horses had a cold and wouldn't be touring anymore for the remainder of this year. In their place the company has dug deep into their vault of past mascots and will be sending Fairhope the famous Budweiser Frogs. The frogs were well known for their catch phrase "Bud... Weis... Er" which annoyed and endeared teenagers and parents across the world.

The Frogs will be escorted by a miniature log float during the Maids of Jubilee parade next week. The City has banned any dogs from the sidelines of the event to prevent the famous frogs from being eaten.

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