Monday, January 27, 2020

Woman gets haircut at Dallas Jones Barbershop and now threatening lawsuit after getting amazing beard and tattoo sleeves.

Fairhope, Al-  A Fairhope woman who allegedly accidentally got a haircut at a local barber shop is now threatening litigation after not getting the haircut she wanted. The establishment Dallas Jones Barber Shop, typically specializes in men's styles and beard services, and has gained significant popularity in Baldwin County. The woman knew this ahead of time, but insisted on trying Jones anyway. After leaving the shop, she noticed her beard was a bit itchy and considered going back for some aromatic beard oil, but then remembered that she didn't have a beard. Then upon looking down she discovered her arms were completely covered in tattoos. The tattoos were a collection of her past pets, children, and monograms of her initials. She was enraged as she just wanted a trim and did not ask for a beard or tattoos at all. Jones tells TFI that his shop does not even have Tattoo services and denies the claims.  

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