Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Elderly woman uses Self Checkout at Piggly Wiggly, becomes shunned by peers for siding with the Robots.

      Fairhope, Al-  Marion DeVoss set out for her weekly grocery trip not realizing that it was going to tear her world apart. After she compiled all of her usual items she scanned the few open checkouts, all with long lines that weren't budging. Then she brought her attention to the Piggly Wiggly's newly placed Self Checkout registers. She summoned her courage and pushed on towards the scanner and within 5 minutes was loading Pop-Tarts into her Buick. This is where things started to take a wrong turn.
     Once back at the retirement community, she mentioned to her friends how simple the Self Checkout machine was. She was met with cold glares and nasty looks. She noticed all afternoon people were whispering and avoiding eye contact as well. Marion tells TFI she has been shunned by the community as a "Robot Lover" and, and one ex-friend told her to her face that she'll be on the wrong side of history after the Robot War is over.
      Marion is now organizing a group for members of the community that have been persecuted for their use of new technology. The group meets on Tuesdays at Julwin's and is co-headed by Tim Ledgerwood, a local man who was shunned for his excessive vaping habit.

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