Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The best Fairhope Halloween Costumes for 2019!


The Best Fairhope Halloween Costumes 2019

#1. Cam Newton-  

People have been giving Cam grief about his latest press conference outfits, but personally I think It's Dope. I think this outfit would make a great gag costume this year. Unfortunately, it might cost a fortune to re-create.

#2. Rock Creek Rabid Fox-     

Easy and fun idea. Just wander around golf courses biting people. Add some foaming at the mouth for a special effect.

 #3. A Jubilee-  

Have your partner or friend follow behind with a cooler and a gig while ever so often poking you. A good rub down with some bait fish days prior can having you smelling the part.

#4. The Famous Fairhope Clock-

You can tell this is the TRUE Fairhope Clock with it's attention to detail: numbers, round, big hand, little hand, pretty much spot on. Your friend can dress as the Boutique Hotel and constantly ensure you that they won't ditch you at the party.

#5.  THIS. 

Not sure what this is supposed to be... Let's see, a normal guy with chocolate with a hippie girl and a guy in a wheelchair? Nothing comes to mind. Anyway it seems funny.

#6. Lickin' Good Donuts

As you can see Fairhope PD loves some Lickin' Good Donuts. If you know you're going to be breaking the law on Halloween this year, this may be your best option.

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