Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Satan and Voldemort come out as Pro-Toll for Mobile Bridge Project in joint press conference.

Mobile, AL-   In the early hours this morning news broke that the devil himself and evil magician Voldemort would hold an impromptu press conference on the steps of the Mobile Courthouse. Reporters surrounded the king of darkness who hasn't made a public appearance in eons and were surprised to learn the devil has special interest in to Mobile Bridge project. Satan and his associate Voldemort spoke about the justification of the tolling, stating how the bridge would pay for itself rapidly, and that Baldwin County residents would receive a great discount of 15% off tolls.

The conference was very brief and direct, but later the devil turned to one reporter stating that he really didn't get enough credit for making the Kardashians famous. After this statement the two villains disappeared into a cloud of smog not to be heard from again.

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