Thursday, March 28, 2019

New company will let you skydive into downtown so you don't have to drive.

After the rising problems with Fairhope's hectic traffic and lack of parking a new company has taken on the task of fixing it. Helio-Fairhope will start picking up customers in the Piggly Wiggly parking lot via helicopter, and then dropping them off downtown using a parachute system. The system will prevent the customer from having to navigate traffic downtown and having to parallel park after you do find a spot.

The helicopter will drop you off in the general direction of where you want to go and offers discounts for couples and "no chute" drops where you land in the bay. The company is already seeing a high demand and plans on beginning next week. Prices range from $50-150 per round trip, and pick up can be arranged with use of a customized Mardi Gras themed flare.

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