Sunday, February 24, 2019

First Annual Cosmic Cats Parade erupts in chaos, as expected.

Fairhope has become home to many of the best family friendly Mardi Gras parades in South Alabama. Lately, The Mystic Mutts Society has given the spotlight to the plethora of Eastern Shore dogs and owners, becoming one of the most popular parades here since it's inauguration years ago. The popularity of the Mystic Mutts has given rise to an idea this year to include Baldwin County cats as well, because it just didn't seem right to leave them at home where all they have to do is sleep and eat all day at their whim. This started the gears turning for a new event, the first annual Cosmic Cats parade, hosted by the newly formed society of the same name.

The event started off well, with over 200 cats marching down Section, but trouble was just around the corner. The cats hadn't walked 10 feet before half of the felines protested any further walking, and preceded to sleep. Other cats marched on, in different directions. What few cats remained by the time the parade hit De La Mare were sent spiraling into chaos at the sight of a stray dog. the pandemonium that ensued caused dozens to be hospitalized with scratches and bites, and worse, the cat's are all said to be holding a grudge against their owners and frequently urinating out of the litter box.

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