Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Not to be outdone by Bear Bryant, Saban continues search for a trademark hat.

By brandishing his signature houndstooth hat, Bear Bryant sparked a new era for southern fashion and single-handedly saved the struggling fedora economy. This was only bad news for Hounds, and their coveted teeth. No other football coach in history is known for their style like Bryant, and this has Nick Saban fuming.

Saban has often brandished different hats, such as his beloved straw panama hat, but none has made the impact expected. After the 2018 Championship Game however, Saban donned a new hand crocheted elephant hat to the surprise of many. The response was overwhelming. Floods of Alabama fans stormed Etsy and Pinterest to copy Saban's headpiece. We think this might be the one hat to rule them all. Keep an eye out to see if Nick has truly made his decision, and in the mean time start bruching up on your crocheting skills.

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