Being a parent is tough these days. I know, because I've raised up three feisty cats and one mischievous opossum. You have to dish out a hundred bucks for any form of entertainment it seems, which can really hurt the ol' wallet after a while. That' why I've collected my top spots in the area for good old fashioned fun that doesn't cost a dime! I'll list them off in accordance to my opossum's favorite to least favorite.
#1- Alligator Walk

#2- Week's Bay Pitcher Plant Bog

#3- Duck Pond

#4- Fairhope Pier
#5- Panini Pete's

#5- Fairhope City Park
Your idea of fun may not be a hundred kids running around at breakneck speeds in unknown trajectories, but you'll be able to knock out a few hours easily at the city park. Between the splash pad and the new improved playground equipment suitable for all ages, you can even get a good nap in. If you don't think you can handle this, head over the Book Cellar for a Moscow Mule beforehand.
Just before Fish River on 98 you'll find the Weeks Bay Reserve tucked away on the right hand side. There's miles of boardwalk expanding out of the woods around the bay, and a beautiful view of the marshy side of Fish River. There's a display of the local animals inside to educate and delight the young minds of kids and opposums or cats.
What once was a castle belonging to an evil witch, now belongs to a not evil human family who definitely doesn't use the castles old charm to sway young children into the door to be turned into a delicious stew for them to consume that evening. There definitely is not a group of naked pagan witches that dance around the castle every full moon at midnight whose shadows cast on the castle walls resembles goats and beasts more than that of human figures. Definitely.
The Page & Palette is a wonderful place to bring the kids if your'e in the downtown area and need a break from the sun. Let the kids check out the toys and books while you grab a cocktail through the convenient Book Cellar window and browse book yourself. If you're not a drinker, mosy over and get yourself a coffee and Latte Da, still close enough to your kids to not be considered child neglect. If your'e lucky, you may be able to see a live band or get to talk with a local author who can give you advice about proper grammar and how to use smarter words.
Fairhope has the luxury of having a paved endurance trail spanning from the beginning of Mobile Street to the Grand Hotel. Perfect for running, rollerblading, or taking the kids for an easy bike cruise, you'll sure be able to wear them out good. Maybe the kids will go to bed early tonight too (that will not happen though).
#6- Weeks Bay Reserve

#7- Mosher Castle

#8- Page & Palette

#9- The Scenic Endurance Trail

#10- Disc Golf

do you have to bring up Mosher and Wilson?...they make people want to leave Fairhope...they're are our towns DIStractions...