Monday, April 2, 2018

Fairhope Warehouse District closes deal on Men's Warehouse chain.

In the last two years Fairhopers are seeing a sudden economic boom in what we now call the "Warehouse District" on the south end of town. Local hipsters cling to this area with it's trendy coffee shops, bakeries, and brewery. Just in the last month we've even seen a new BBQ joint and pizza place. With the sudden business surge, large companies are starting to catch wind of the new opportunities too. In the last few week large clothing chain Men's Warehouse has scooped up a good chunk of land across from Warehouse Bakery. Men's Warehouse fit's right in to the scene to, as young folks love nothing more than to go shopping for tuxedo's after a tasty spinach ricotta filled croissant.

The only problem that some councilmen foresee is where to put the actual warehouses from the Warehouse District that are actually being used. Some local Warehouse owners have reported looking into purchasing property in the Red Light District or Garden District to store their real warehouses.

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