Early this morning James Madding of Point Clear gathered his paddle board gear for a chilly skim on the bay. Instead of a beautiful sunrise, he was met with a mucous filmed horizon that stretched onward towards Theodore. Upon inspection, He discovered even the fish flopping near the shoreline were green in color. Obviously, mother nature herself has decided to join us in the tradition of St. Patrick's Day! Madding reported to TFI that he even ventured to taste the bay water, and discovered the flavor of stale Guinness beer and bad decisions, the official flavor of the famed holiday.

Many are taking advantage of this opportunity, like local Pub and Eatery McSharry's Irish Pub, who will be serving "Green Fish n' Chips" for as long as the tide stays green. We don't know if the green tide is affecting wildife negatively yet, but scientist inform us that the water has been found to have a slight alcohol content. We don't know how accurate this is, but Fairhope Police have reported arrest rates for rowdy fish have risen 300% already today. One Fairhope local even reported a Red Snapper to authorities for harassing tourists on the pier by stealing a guitar and singing really bad Journey covers repeatedly.
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