Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Top Political Leaders from both parties urge you to write in "Conecuh Sausage" Dec. 12th.

The Senate Battle is heating up in Alabama as the race closes in on it's final days. The controversial race is being watched all across the world as national news organizations flock to Fairhope to cover it. Many of those reporters will probably buy winter homes here, by the way.

Many Alabamians are torn trying to make their last minute decisions as top Republican leaders are leaving Moore. Many won't budge from their party, however. Now, top Republican and Dems in Alabama have started a write in campaign for a candidate that all Alabamians can stand behind. Sweet and spicy Hickory Smoked Conecuh Sausage.

If we can put our differences aside and stand behind Conecuh, we expect a nearly 99% landslide victory (you have to consider the vegans.). Everyone love this sausage here. I mean, I've seen it on buns, plain, on burgers, and even PB&J's. Come on Alabama. Do your part and vote with your stomach.

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McSharry's Pub to offer "Irish lunch" this weekend to compete with Redeemer Lutheran's German meals.

  For many years, Redeemer Lutheran Church  has offered German sausage meals during the Arts & Crafts Festival weekend to tourists and l...