Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Due to "outing" of local swingers and their pineapples, many have started dating their spouses again.

Over the last several months, it has become abundantly clear to every man, woman, and dog that Fairhope has a very active swinging community whose "signal" is an upside down pineapple placed in a shopping cart. It's practically common knowledge at this point. Trying to avoid public ridicule, some swingers have taken TFI's advice by using a banana flanked by kiwis as a signal. Others have tried avoiding Publix altogether and started using online apps such as Tinder and Craigslist.

Jim Tolbert, local swinger.
After trying other options it seems that the Fairhope swinging community is trying something completely new... dating their spouses again. Several people spoke with TFI who all wish to remain anonymous, such as Jim Tolbert of Rock Creek who tells us: "At first I was nervous going out with Janine, my wife of 20 years, but by the end of the night we found that we actually had a lot in common. At one point I even found myself envisioning our lives together, before I remembered that this was my wife.".

Local eatery Soul Bowlz is sponsoring an program this month for the swingers who have stockpiles of pineapples that are going unused. For anyone who brings in their pineapples, that person will receive half price on any smoothie of their choice. The deal will last all through the month of January.

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