Friday, October 6, 2017

Rumors spreads that Fairhope Utilities has emptied all sewage facilities into the bay to prevent an accidental spill the heavy rains of TS Nate may cause.

Rumors have begin to spread, mostly from this Blog, that Fairhope Utilities has begun to dump all sewage into the Mobile Bay. The act is a preventative measure to eradicate the chance of a sewage spill in case the possible Hurricane Nate hits the county. Hopefully, Fairhope will remain safe during the oncoming storm, but with these measures, we won't have to worry ourselves with a sewage disaster.

Mobile Baykeeper has been notified of the dumping of the sewage, and has taken preventative measures of their own by killing 25% of the fish population in the Bay. They are rumored to have used dynamite to accomplish this goal, which was a messy ordeal with the water taking the consistency of a Georgia Mud Fudge Chunk Milkshake from Sonic. One worker in charge of dynamiting the bay was coincidentally reunited with a contact lens that was accidentally flushed down the commode weeks earlier.

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