Monday, August 21, 2017

Local man struggles to find any meaning to life now that eclipse is over.

The world stood in awe Monday as millions got to experience the rare total eclipse. Now that the fun is over many find that life has very little meaning now. Some have found solace in the upcoming start of college football, but for those who don't watch football depression has set in.

Local  Daphne resident Paul Tompkins tells TFI "My life feels empty now. When Game of Thrones is over I really don't think I can go on living.". Paul isn't alone either. Many reports are coming in from all over the county of people wandering the streets with a blank stare and no known destination.

For those out there struggling with Eclipse Depression please know that there is help.A 24 hour hotline has been formed for those suffering, just call 1-800-MOON. Don't let the Eclipse... Eclipse your life.

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