Thursday, June 29, 2017


In 2016 Fairhope closed off all traffic to the intersection of Fairhope Avenue and 13 for the construction of a roundabout. This perturbed some, but eventually gained the satisfaction of the community upon completion. Not even a year later however, another roundabout went under construction on Gayfer.

This may not raise eyebrows around the city, but TFI has dug deep to uncover the TRUTH about what happening in Fairhope. As we can see from the provided image, the roundabouts have been installed along county road 13 going north. Some rumors have even circulated about a roundabout at the intersection of 13 and 104. What we are left with is 3 roundabouts on 13... 3 circles some would even say. What's strange about this is that not far from 13 to the east lies a church with an unusual name...

3 Circles Church was established with great enthusiasm here some time ago, and holds a good sized congregation. It's strange that no one has bothered to ask what "3 Circles" means. Some point towards the holy trinity, but it doesn't make much sense to name a church after onion celery and green peppers. The new roundabouts may shed some light on the name AND the reason behind the traffic circles.

Some remember past conspiracy theories about the flower clock further down 104 and certain connections within the adjacent church to local government possibly being the reason for it's placement. We at TFI believe that the new Traffic Circles are a large marketing campaign for 3 Circles church years in the making. The real question is who's lining whose pockets? On top of this is the announcement that each circle will hold a small community garden holding onion, celery, and green pepper further verifies our theory.

To further expand on the rumors let us look further towards the gas station controversy at the Fairhope ave. roundabout. Obviously a gas station placed directly in a roundabout should be a
Circle K. Every bit of logic would point to this, but it seems that may not be the case. We urge you to write your local politician to make sure this will be a Circle K! It's fate.


  1. Dear Fairhope Inquistor,

    The name of our church is 3 Circle Church. NOT three circles!

    And we would love to take this opportunity to invite you and all to one of our church services!


McSharry's Pub to offer "Irish lunch" this weekend to compete with Redeemer Lutheran's German meals.

  For many years, Redeemer Lutheran Church  has offered German sausage meals during the Arts & Crafts Festival weekend to tourists and l...